Those Times and Today: #1 Slumber

Do you still remember those times
When your deep slumber got disturbed by crazy alarms
One by one echoing through the empty hallway
Those tiny knocks, sometimes aggressive on your doors
A call to rise up and face your Lord
Do you still remember those times
You still want more sleep, more rest
But no, you got to get up and get your verses ready
With sloppy steps, and still groggy from sleep
You walk to the washroom and clean yourself up
Thanks to freezing water in the early morning
It zapped you up to consciousness, refreshing
As you stand in the dark morning with stars still twinkling
You bow down to the One Lord for all His blessings. 

 "Hendaklah kamu melakukan solat pada tengah malam. Sesungguhnya ia kebiasaan orang soleh sebelum kamu yang mampu mendekatkanmu kepada TuhanMu. Tahajud ini penghapus segala dosa, penghalang maksiat dan dosa serta penawar bagi penyakit pada tubuh."  
(Riwayat Ahmad) 

* Planning to do some version of DQ throwback series, so that we may reflect together and just relive the moments we had in DQ.Wassalam. Have a nice day!


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