Nomophobia Night
25 August 2015
25 August 2015
What is Nomophobia?
Fear of living without mobile phones.
Nomophobia Night is our Thinking Skills Project, Group 819.
Forums? We need credible panels money to suit the panel's qualification.
Talks? Maybe boring. One-way communcation. Money too.
Explorace? We don't have enough facilitatiors to handle the crowd of 100 people.
So we ended up holding a game night.
1. Rock, Paper & Scissors
- The classic "o som" game but using atm gestures and synchronization pf style (rock/paper/scissors) between the group members.
2. Guess the Capital
- guessing Capital cities through the countries' flag, memorable landmarks and greetings in their respective language. Round 1 with phone, Round 2 without. And see how much do we know without Google!
3. Mentalmathics
- Arithmetics. Two rounds too. Obviously, the Science-course guys are faster! Because they practise it everyday, unlike the Human Science students.
4. Puzzle Game with annoying notification sounds
- we played the notification sounds around them, and see whether they get distracted or annoyed.
5. Charades
- the theme was Simpulan Bahasa. Havoc!
I was assigned to handle the ice-breaking and charades part with Aliaa. We were taradudd-ing about who's going to handle the games and hold the mic! At last, I was in charge of the mic and Aliaa handle the group-to-group briefing. They weren't paying much attention anyway because there are facilitators to guide them lol. It was nerve-wracking at first, but I got comfortable and confident after that. So it went well, alhamdulillah.
It was havoc at first because the numbering for groups didn't go exactly as planned as there a fewer participants than those who registered. I just watched gleefully,how they passed and took over the mic like passing batons It's like everyone is trying to control the situation haha.
We got free pizzas in the end and I got to know more my classmates. It's a really great experience.
It was havoc at first because the numbering for groups didn't go exactly as planned as there a fewer participants than those who registered. I just watched gleefully,how they passed and took over the mic like passing batons It's like everyone is trying to control the situation haha.
We got free pizzas in the end and I got to know more my classmates. It's a really great experience.
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