
I took 5 subjects for this semester, see below. I’ll just briefly explain about subjects. Teknikal sangat, kang jadi macam course packet pulak. All skills subjects have assessments throughout semester, instead of one big final exam, which is NICEE. But the not-so-fun part is the struggles THROUGHOUT the semester.

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We are required to complete 4 essays during the semester; Definition-Classification (I did on anxiety disorder), Process (How to book a hotel), Compare & Contrast (Parenting Styles) and Argumentative essays (Smoking). The challenging parts were;
-          getting a clear idea to write in the essay (submission and resubmission because the idea wasn’t clarified enough),
-           searching for references in the library for days and hours (we’re not allowed to use online sources except from the database)  and
-          getting used to the format. We used APA writing style. Madam was quite meticulous and strict lecturer.
-No final exam.


- Learning fallacies/mistakes of thinking is interesting. We can now observe when a person talks and recognise his/ her fallacy haha. Beware, you are being judged. JK.
-At the beginning of the semester, each class must identify a problem and find solution for the problem. So, our class chose Nomophobia (fear of living without mobile phones). On 25 August, we did a game night to raise awareness about the issue. Need to do proposal, promotion just like any other programs. Notice that flood of programs at one time just before end of sem? Depression, paedophilia, child abuse, transgender issues and so on, those were Thinking Skills projects. 
- Portfolio Day; the day where all Thinking Skills classes are required to present about their project. Each class was given a booth to display their poster. The presentation on that day was evaluated by 2 lecturers. We got Sir El and Bro Nazriq. Alhamdulillah our class got full marks!
- Mid-term exam; written
- 2 Inquiry-based discussions; we need to speak or express opinions critically for minimum 6 times during the discussion to get high marks. The topics were; 1. Religious extremism 2. Poverty. Got to do some early research on the topic first. It helps to make you more aware on the global current issues.
-2 Argumentative essays; We need to present 3 arguments and 6 rebuttals in an essay. 1. Humanity 2. Ethics in Social Media (the essay that made me miss AGD, great). Need to be critical and research on global issues, eye-opening somehow.
-No final exam yay

-          Article Review; Partner assignment, simply said: Summarizing a research article. We did on Facebook and consumerism.
-          Systematic summary; Easier, putting items into tables.
-          Literature review; The most challenging. Group of five. We got to find 10 research journals and each of the journal is about 15-20 pages. Then, summarize them into themes. The language is academic and scientific, which makes it harder to understand what it is about. Aku sampai rasa nak muntah tengok segala tulisan dan time discussion seriously blur and like “Kita nak buat apa sekarang?” dan lepas tu krik krik. K.
-          Presentation about literature review; Practised until 3 am to make the best out of it. Alhamdulillah, it was worth it!
-          No final exam double yay


-          University-required course, semua students UIA kena ambil nanti. First time I flipped the book, “What are you trying to say?” Bombastic words. The challenge was to relate the religious concepts that I had learnt in Malay to the English terms in the book.
-          Learning about other religions, Chritianity, Hinduism & Buddhism. Challenging to remember verses from Bible, terms in other languages and having to learn the religions from different perspective (learning Christianity from the Christian perspective and Islamic perspective). It gets confusing sometimes.
-          Assessment: Mid-term exam, quiz, oral reflection, presentation & final exam.

5.       ICT

-          9 chapters. Memorising the facts when you don’t really understand what it means is stressful.
-          Quizzes.
-          Assignments are fun. Video (we did on Parents), Google site (Food) and Microsoft Excel about expenditure.


-The fun part is you have the freedom to choose what you want to study or cover about. So I’m happy.
- More on Nomophobia Night? Refer previous post. 
-the next semesters in CFS, I will probably be taking Public Speaking, Intro to Law, Intro to Statistics, Social Studies and the other 2 RKAs.

--Evaluate, judge whatever. I’m happy and got my own mission insyaAllah. All the best with yours. Last but not least, be clear with your mission, don’t surrender to conformism. Adios! Wassalam. 

not mine, credits to owner


  1. Terbaik Auni!! Semoga terus maju demi Islam. Islam memerlukan cerdik pandai yg jelas matlamat hidupnya :)


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