"Pain is Meant to be Felt"

It's painful.

Finished memorizing 30 juz
It's not the end.

It's only the beginning.

For example,
It's holiday. And you're hostel-stayer.
Then, you get back home, 
You sleep like crazy
More than you should be.

If you're not Huffaz,
Then it's still okay.
But when you're Huffaz,
It's just not okay.

Because of what?
Because we know
We know that we have bigger responsibilities to be done 
(Empowering knowledge, polishing your talents, help people etc)
Than just sleeping.

When we know something
But we pretended
To be blind and deaf..

We're in BIG TROUBLE. 

One day, all of us will die, resurrected, questioned
Untill finally head to our final destination.

Would it be the Jannah or Jahannam? 

And it all depends on every little and huge thing that we do NOW. 


It ain't easy,
But it's worth the pain.

Do you know?
The Hisaab itself is painful
Every tiny and gigantic thing that we did
Will be questioned
While we wait in a pool of sweat that day
Some are drown by their own sweat
Some, as if they're standing in a wading pool
It all depends on our deeds. 


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