Vietnam 1: *THUD*


The flight to Ho Chi Minh City took an hour and 55 minutes. We took the AirAsia flight from KLIA2. The stewardesses wore casual clothes; the red AirAsia shirt and blue jeans.

To calm down our raging stomaches, we  ordered Pak Nasser's Nasi Lemak and some bottles of Minute Maid Pulpy Orange.  Enak banget! Thumbs up!


It was raining. Heavy clouds were around our plane. As the plane flew through a heavy cloud, we felt some "gegaran" and the feeling when zooming down on a roller coaster. For a few times. *i couldnt find the exact term!* and I was sleeping at that time. Imagine that mini heart-attack!

We safely landed with a harsh thud at the landing tracks of Saigon Airport in Ho Chi Minh City at 1.25 pm, Vietnam time. Ayah told us that the plane have to be landed harshly on the slippery tracks to avoid any slip (gelincir). 

At the airport, The hotel management was supposed to pick us up. 

A crowd of people were waiting outside the arrival hall. Some hold up laminated cards, written on it the names of certain people.

Ayah looked low to find his name on one of the cards. 

"There!", Bahirah pointed out to a man holding one of those cards. 

Mr Baharin Salim. That was what is written on the card. 

We got on the hotel van, a huge van. 

Many motorcyclists were on the road. Most of them were wearing masks. I guess the air pollution here is quite serious. 

From my limited experience, I could say that Vietnam had quite a resemblance with Indonesia and Korea. 

The surrounding is like Indonesia. Tightly-arranged shops. But in contrast, The residents were Chinese-looking. Fair complexion, single-eyelid, small figure. 

Looking forward for more! 


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